
A New super Hero team...and the kick ass ride they're sportin'
What's that you say? I must feed my baby in your bathroom? I must leave your establishment so my child can eat? Oh, no no no....Wrong answer!
Meet The Milk Truck. A combination of guerilla theater, activism and a little slapstick humor it is the brainchild of Jill Miller - artist and faculty member in the School of Art at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. With funds from the kickstarter project up now, she and her team will buy a truck and put a giant boob on the roof. Yes, they plan to drive it around Pittsburgh for the duration of the biennial exhibition. And yes, there’s a reason for making The Milk Truck - to create a mobile breastfeeding unit that allows mothers to feed their babies in places where they have been discouraged - restaurants, shopping malls, public spaces, etc. Babies should be able to eat anywhere. And everywhere. For more info on the project, visit the website, to donate click here.
The moon and the sea (or in this case, the waterfall)
Feeling low? Not sure where the beauty in the world has gone? Want to see something you may not have known even existed? Maybe you just need to stay up all night! Check out this video featured on Yosemite Nature Notes featuring LUNAR RAINBOWS (aka Moonbows)!
Read more on this amazing video, and moonbows here.
Free Media for your mind:
Leilah Publications has recently unveiled a web portal for Documents, film, & media all for free download! Included works are: "The Fantastic Planet" (French animated sci-fi 1973 in English), and "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (1920 silent)! You can Download or stream these rare films and others via global media FOR FREE! By clicking here. You can visit Leilah Publications on Facebook by clicking here.
For a free dose or Pronoia* and some notes from the Ecstatic Study guide, find words and images to lift you from the drowning depths and bring you back to them deliriously refreshed and dynamically charged. Join Rob Brezsny at the Beauty and Truth lab for this week's offering of universal wisdom (your joyously charged horoscope included at no extra charge!)
*Pronoia - The antidote of Paranoia
To learn more read Pronoia Therapy or pick up a copy of Pronoia Is the Antidote for Paranoia, Revised and Expanded: How the Whole World Is Conspiring to Shower You with Blessings by Rob Brezsny
To view more links and stories like these visit the Luna Sea Workshop on Facebook!